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TFSA contribution room calculator
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What’s new for 2025 and TFSAs? You can contribute another $7,000 for this year. Once you figure out how much contribution room you have, keep reading on how to use this account effectively.
Tax-free savings account is a bit of a misnomer. While you can use it for straightforward savings, think of it more accurately as an investment holding account to store things like exchange-traded funds (ETFs), guaranteed investment certificates (GICs), bonds, stocks and, yes, plain old cash. While you do have to abide by the set amount of contribution room each year, any growth you earn on those investments will not affect your contribution room for the current year or years to come. Plus, the income earned is tax-free (more on that below). Any resident of Canada who is 18 or older and has a valid social insurance number can open a TFSA.
sponsoredMCAN Wealth 1-year non-registered GICgo to site
Interest rate: 4…
About the Canada Pension Plan (CPP)
The Canada Pension Plan is a retirement pension that offers replacement income once a person retires from working life. The CPP is a social insurance plan, and it’s one “pillar” of the retirement income system for Canadians—the other three are Old Age Security (OAS), the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) and personal savings. The CPP is funded by contributions from workers, employers and self-employed individuals. It’s not paid for by the government, despite what many Canadians may think…