Making sense of the markets this week: September 1, 2024 + MORE Aug 30th
Ovintiv to buy oil-rich assets in Canada's Montney shale for $2.38 billion - Reuters + MORE Nov 14th
10 common crypto scams and how to avoid them + MORE Sep 16th
Lisa Hannam on measuring time and money, and more + MORE Nov 1st
RESPs 101: The RESP withdrawal rules + MORE Aug 16th
The best GIC rates in Canada for 2024
The best GIC rates in Canada
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Making sense of the markets this week: June 30, 2024
If the summer heat doesn’t get you, inflation will
Canadians hoping for interest rate relief will likely have to wait a bit longer. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) reading for May came in at 2.9%, according to Statistics Canada.
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The money markets predict a 45% chance that the Bank of Canada (BoC) will cut rates at its July 24 meeting. Lowering interest rates after a month of renewed inflation worries would carry a large credibility risk for the BoC, after it raised rates so quickly to restore faith that it would tame inflation over the long term…