The real costs of buying a car Mar 31st

Mortgages in Canada can be a murky subject – one that we hope to shed some light on with a series of highly informational articles.
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 bank mortgage

Canadian bond yields rebound sharply, sending some mortgage rates higher + MORE Jul 2nd

After being on a downward path for the past two months, Canadian bond yields have reversed course and are once again on the rise..... More »
 home loans

Invest or pay off debt: A comprehensive guide for Canadians + MORE Jan 17th

Your net worth is calculated by taking your assets and subtracting your liabilities. Both investing and repaying debt can boost your net worth as a result. The question is: which is better? In our guide about paying off debt versus investing, we cover the options from a number of different perspecti.... More »

Mortgage Digest: Younger homeowners lead the way in paying down mortgage debt Jan 26th

Younger Canadians are outpacing older demographics in reducing their mortgage debt, new research from Statistic Canada has found..... More »

EQB sees impaired loans double in Q2, but expects improvement ahead + MORE Jun 5th

Alternative mortgage lender EQB saw a rise in gross impaired loans in the second quarter compared to a year ago, but highlighted recent improvements and expects losses to stabilize going forward..... More »
 property mortgage

How much income do I need to qualify for a mortgage in Canada? + MORE Apr 18th

Buying a home in Canada isn’t for the faint of heart—or light of wallet. Home prices have steadily trended higher over the past decade, coming to a national average of $698,520 in March 2024. That’s a 75% increase compared to January 2014, and it marks a whopping dollar difference of $398,119,.... More »
The thrill of driving a new car off a dealer’s lot is appealing, but experts warn not to let the new car smell go to your head when it comes to borrowing money to make it happen.

Mark Kalinowski, a credit counsellor and financial educator at the Credit Counselling Society, says you need to know what you can afford when it comes to a car loan. “If you can’t pay for it and they repossess it, well, now your credit’s ruined for a long time,” he said. You can only afford so much credit based on your income level, so if you take on a car loan, that will eat away at other borrowing capacity such as a mortgage, Kalinowski said. 

How much is a car? Add interest, among other things

When shopping for a car, the numbers can come fast and furious and they can add up quickly. It’s important to keep the total cost of the vehicle in mind, Kalinowski said, not just the monthly or biweekly payment you will have to make. “One of the big things you see in dealerships is they don’t sell you the price of the car, they sell you the payments,” he said…

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