Urbancorp reminds us that our investments are at risk Aug 26th

How to go about securing the best policy for your insurance in Canada.
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Want to know why our grandparents hid money in their mattress? Because prior to 1967 any money saved was at risk. If a bank failed, those savings were gone. Wiped out. A big, fat zero. For them, it felt safer to tuck the bills into a hidey-hole and hope for the best.
But the feds realized this wasn’t a great strategy if they wanted to grow the nation’s economy. As a result, they created a Crown corporation: the Canadian Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC), with a mandate to protect all eligible deposits made by Canadians. (See more on this below under “What CDIC does.”)
Still, the line between what’s a saving and what’s an investment can become blurred—just ask the thousands of disappointed Urbancorp buyers, who watched virtually all their money disappear when the real estate developer declared bankruptcy earlier this year.
While these same buyers are currently fighting to get official representation at the company’s bankruptcy hearing, the question that’s left unanswered is whether a real estate purchase is an investment, a form of saving, or a human right?
What buyers can learn from the Urbancorp collapse »
What CDIC does
As a crown corporation, the CDIC contributes to the stability of the Canadian financial system by covering the potential loss of savings that are deposited at member institutions…

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